Course Outline
6 Weeks - 6 Recorded Webinars
For the first time ever, Dr. Lisle recorded 6 online webinars for a private group of clients. Luckily we were able to record everything and now you can have full access to all 6 webinars and bonus Q&A.
In total that's 11 hours of life-changing content.
Each webinar solves another piece of the puzzle and was followed by audience Q&A so chances are that any questions you may have on escaping the pleasure trap and dealing with the temptations of our modern world have been answered.

How does The Pleasure Trap work?
Introduction to the basic idea of the pleasure trap. The nature of general motivation and how The Pleasure Trap works.

How the medical system works and where it fails
Here we examine the state of modern medicine, and how it generally fails to address the problems created by the pleasure trap. The nature of the specific diseases and their relationship to diet and lifestyle practices is reviewed, as well as the curious fascination of modern health-seekers with dietary deficiencies. We call this “looking for health in all the wrong places”.
Audio downloads
After each live webinar you'll get an audio MP3 file that you can download and listen to anywhere - even on the go!

Solving the challenge of weight loss
A major specific diet-related problem is addressed in detail – weight loss. This is the #1 personal goal of people in the civilized world – an incredible state of affairs when juxtaposed to the motivational triad – a motivational system designed to ensure survival through preferences for high calorie density and energy conservation strategies (which include cooking and grinding foodstuffs). The specific nature of foods to hyperactivate the pleasure pathway is explained. The pleasure traps many faces begin to emerge as we also explore social pressure and its impact on human dietary choices – and how to protect oneself from such pressure. These ideas are explained in chapters 7-9.
New insights into the weight loss puzzle will be explored in what Dr. Lisle now terms “the conditioned cram” – the tendency to overeat after already satiated.

Overcoming our instincts and dietary environment
This week we explore several different issues: the nature of energy conservation instincts, the impact of current dietary practices on our environment, and the importance of sleep. These ideas are explained in chapters 10-12.
Information regarding a renewed and greater appreciation for sleep will be discussed.
Lifetime access
You'll receive access to our exclusive member's area where you can access the recordings of all live webinars anytime. This is also where you can post questions ahead of each webinar.

How The Pleasure Trap remains unappreciated
This week we will discuss how extraordinary the pleasure trap is – how it is a largely hidden force that remains unappreciated. Even reasonably aware spokespersons in the WFPB arena fail to fully appreciate its power, and there is a tendency to “psychologize” the struggle that people face. We see here that this problem is not a result of personal failings, or intrapsychic damage done by our personal histories – rather that the pleasure trap is a ubiquitous phenomenon that arose largely in late 20th century America – and thus is an environmental phenomenon, not an intrapsychic-developmental one. We introduce a remarkable method to counteract its effects – the novel, yet ancient, practice of water-only fasting. A greater appreciation for the dilemma of perfectionism vs. gradualism will be discussed (a re-examination of “The Myths of Moderation”). These ideas are explained in Chapters 13-15.

Escaping The Pleasure Trap
In the final week, we will briefly look at the evidence in support of water fasting, but mostly as a metaphor for this entire approach to healthy living. The concept of the pleasure trap in broad perspective will be explained and discussed. The value of living within reasonable limits and parameters – which are considerably more thoughtful and restrictive than the general population would consider prudent – will be explored with consideration given to a variety of perspectives.
New findings
The book The Pleasure Trap was published in 2003 and is more relevant than ever. Dr. Lisle will also share new findings since writing the book with you in this course.

Chef AJ didn't lose her weight until she was 52 and learned about the pleasure trap from Dr. Doug Lisle
Answer this...
- Do you know what you should be doing but can't get yourself to do it?
- Do you sometimes feel out of control over your food or lifestyle choices?
- Are temptations getting the better of you at times?
- Have other diets or weight loss program failed?
If you said yes to any of those questions you may be caught in the pleasure trap. Dr. Lisle has made it his life's mission to help others escape this trap which is why he created this course where you get to connect during the live webinars!
Reviews of the book "The Pleasure Trap" by Dr. Doug Lisle and Dr. Alan Goldhamer
In the course we'll dive into the contents of the book and you'll receive practical tips to implement the advice! Plus you have the chance to ask Dr. Doug Lisle questions during the six part webinar series to get all the answers you need to escape The Pleasure Trap.

What makes this different?
Countless studies tell us what to eat. The science on healthy living is clear. But sometimes even the most disciplined and smartest people can’t implement what they know...
Instead we continue to live in excess and with it comes obesity.
So why can't we do what we know we should be doing?
70% of us are overweight. If we add to that the number of people who are slim because of medication, smoking or drugs that number increases even more...
And new research is telling us that the obesity epidemic is causing a health crisis.
60 diseases are linked to obesity
Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer and for women may soon be number one.
It’s so bad that for the first time our children may live shorter lives than we are...
But the good news is that we know where the problem stems from and there is a proven solution...
Dr. Doug Lisle teamed up with Dr. Alan Goldhamer and the team at the TrueNorth Health Center where he's been the clinical psychologist for over 30 years.
At TrueNorth over 10,000 people have regained their health and countless others have benefited from the book and the teachings of Dr. Doug Lisle over the years.
So what you're learning in this course is based on first hand experience and has been proven to work!

About Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D.
Douglas J. Lisle, Ph.D., is the founder of a new method of approaching human psychology and wellbeing. He describes this approach as Esteem Dynamics – its core insights adapted from a revolutionary biological approach to psychology. Central figures having major influence on Dr. Lisle’s thinking include Richard Dawkins, John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, David Buss, Steven Pinker, and Geoffrey Miller. All of these individuals are considered academic A-list thinkers in evolutionary theory and human psychology. Somewhat surprisingly, insights from these trailblazers has yet to reach mainstream clinical psychology, and thus major advances stemming from some of the world’s greatest thinkers have yet to be systematically applied to problems of helping people improve their lives. Esteem Dynamics is the first such effort – born of Dr. Lisle’s 25-years of clinical experience wedded to the deep insights into human nature now available via evolutionary psychology.
Dr. Doug Lisle received his undergraduate education from the University of California, San Diego (summa cum laude). He completed his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Virginia, where he was awarded the Presidents Fellowship and was a DuPont Scholar. He was then appointed Lecturer in Psychology at Stanford University, and worked on the research staff at the Department of Veterans Affairs at the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Palo Alto, California. His research and clinical interests have broadened to include health and wellness, self-esteem, relationship satisfaction, the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression, and optimizing achievement motivation. In addition to his work with Esteem Dynamics, he is currently the Director of Research for the TrueNorth Health Center and also serves as the psychologist for the McDougall Wellness Program, both located in Santa Rosa, California.